Please find below the disclaimer that you will be required to read and sign on arrival of your booking.
A top is a person "performing the action" (contrast with bottom - person receiving the action) in a BDSM scene.
The term top is not to be confused with Dom.
A male Dom might enjoy CBT and tell a sub what they are to do to perform on them to give them pleasure. In this case the Top is the submissive (following the direction of the Dom who controls the scene) and the bottom is the Dom (receiving the sensations given of the top). This need not necessarily be in terms of strictly BDSM activities. A dominant may also enjoy bottoming for such things as a massage or valet service and ordering their submissive to top for such activities.
A bottom is someone who negotiates and Consents to a specific activity or activities involving BDSM to be performed upon them by a Top.
For example, during Flogging, the person swinging the flogger implement would be the top, while the person being struck with the flogger would be the bottom.
The term bottom originates from a more general use of the word, especially in the gay male community, to mean receptive partner during anal sex.
I (bottom(s), legal name ) give consent to engaging in BDSM practices with (top(s), legal name/s ) and I recognize that exposure to potential grievous bodily harm and/or death is considered incidental during these activities.
I (top(s), legal name ) give consent to engaging in BDSM practices with (bottom(s), legal name/s ) and I recognize that I may exposure the bottom to potential grievous bodily harm and/or death and this is considered incidental during these activities.
The bottom recognize that my expressed consent to these activities does not protect me from litigation.
In case of an emergency the following person will be discreetly contacted: (insert legal name and phone for each participant's emergency contact…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I, bottom, recognize that failure to report any serious medical conditions is a breach of consent.
I, bottom, have the following medical/special conditions (check all that apply):
Anemic/easily bruised
Blood Borne Illnesses
Blood Pressure Issues
Broken Bones
Chronic pain and/or stiffness
Common cold/flu
Damageable cosmetics
Extreme sensitivity/tenderness
Heart Attack History (specify)
Heart Condition (specify)
Implants (including IUD)
Joint problems
Married and/or Children
Medical device
Pace Maker
Pregnancy [or risk of]
Prosthetic limbs/joints
Special Discretion Requirements
STD/STI (specify)
Urinary/Bowel Issues
Former Severe Medical Condition
The bottom has the following allergies and take the following medications of ANY KIND. Include all allergies to food/drugs. Medications that you are currently on, supposed to be on and are not taking, Drug Addiction and/or Recreational Drug Use. Indicate side affects of medications.
The bottom has the following historical psychological conditions: List all, especially depression, mania, neurosis, psychotic breaks, suicidal attempts, known negative psychological triggers.
The bottom prefers positive/negative/indifferent reinforcement from the top (cross out any)
The bottom/top has notable experience/training with the following types of play (indicate with a B or T next to any of the below):
Sensation Play
Light Bondage
Suspension Bondage
Impact Play
Psychological/Humiliation/Role Play/Power Exchange
Fire Play
Electro Play
Edge Play involving penetration, blood, urine, feces, seminal fluid, breath play, extreme bondage or permanent marks/alterations.
The bottom/top cannot or would not like to experience the following things during a scene (in your own words):
The bottom/top would like to experience the following things during the scene (in your own words):
The bottom/top would like aftercare administered in the following manner (in your own words):
The bottom/top recognizes consent may be withdrawn at any time, without explanation, by either party.
The bottom/top recognizes that the top has a responsibility to care for the well-being of the bottom to the best of their ability, to include using their best judgement to assess the mental and physical states of the bottom, and whether or not play should continue.
The bottom/top recognizes, that the bottom has a risk of entering a state of diminished capacity where they may not be able to articulate the desire to revoke consent and trusts that the top will do their best to interpret body language at all times, and that should a negative experience occur, while both act in good faith to the agreements during such a period of diminished capacity, the bottom will seek resolution through communication about their feelings when they are able, rather than seek retribution or reparations.
The bottom/top understands and gives informed consent to the associated risks, has been allowed to ask questions concerning any safety concerns and is prepared to accept the consequences of the agreed upon consensual activities.
Signed, dated and contact phone listed by all participants and a third party when possible.
Sign Print Name Date Contact Number